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A member registered Mar 02, 2021

Recent community posts

hi i have a question, do i have to buy it here or is the game available on your patreon?

Oh :(

My card keeps on declining  :( is there anyway to get the game with adult content in the future? 

Do you have any ways to pay those subscription? i can only pay through my Amex credit card rn and patreon seems to not accept it?

Dead Dating community · Created a new topic Patreon?

Hey i read your post on twitter and i'm gonna ask, if i donated to your patreon before april 1st will i have the early access of the game? and what is the difference of before and after april 1st 

Hi I'm just asking if you finished developing the game, will the full version be available on android? And how much do you think it will cost? Ty <3